Saturday, August 26, 2006


JLPT3: [verb] + 始める

日本語: [verb (base 2)] 始める。
English: To begin/start something.

After a week away on a business trip, it's time for some serious blog action. After all, the JLPT exams are not that far away.

Today, we'll have at a very quick one. It's a base 2 conjugation that allows you to say that something has started or begun. All you do is take the action verb and add the verb 'to start' to it's base 2 form.


English: I began reading this book last week.
Jenglish [last week][this book][read + begun]
日本語: 先週この本を読み始めました

English: He will start studying for the JLPT tomorrow.
Jenglish [tomorrow][he][JLPT][for][study + start]
日本語: 明日彼は日本語能力試験に備えて勉強し始めます

English: At the end of August, Japan's weather will start to become cooler.
Jenglish [at the end of August][Japan's weather][cooler][become + start]
日本語: 8月の終わりに、日本の天気は涼しくなり始めます

See? I said it was easy!


Yes, as you said, it's quite easy, isn't it?

Your 3 translations are perfect.

"Bell-ringing" crickets have just started chirping.

I heard western people don't enjoy the singing of insects in the autumn. Is it right? Japanese people feel the beginning of the autumn when crickets start chirping and we enjoy their songs.

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