Saturday, August 26, 2006


JLPT3: [verb] + だす

日本語: [verb (base 2)] だす
English: To suddenly start...

A recent blog entry looked at how we can add 始める to a verb to say 'start an action'. Here we will look at a slight twist on this and see how to say suddenly start an action. It's a subtle difference, but well worth knowing on your path to becoming native. Good examples of this are 'It suddenly started raining' or 'she suddenly remembered'


English: The girl suddenly started screaming.
Jenglish: [girl][scream + suddenly started]
日本語: 女の人が悲鳴を上げだしました

English: The temperature suddenly dropped.
Jenglish: [temperature][drop + suddenly]
日本語: 気温は低くなり出しました

Is this the right verb for temperature dropping?


The temperature suddenly dropped.

Umm, if you could allow me to be pedantic...

The temperature is low.

The temperature suddenly dropped.

I think '下がる'(さ-がる)would be better.

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