Wednesday, August 30, 2006


JLPT3: のに

日本語: [verb (short)] のに
日本語: [い adjective] のに
日本語: [noun/ な adjective] なのに
English: Despite, in spite of, even though...

Well, I actually covered this one a while ago, but it was mixed up with other, non-JLPT3/4 grammar points. Also, given that that article only really looked at verbs, I thought I'd cover it again. More chance of it sticking in the old noggin then :-)

There is no single English equivalent of のに. It carries a meaning similar to 'despite', 'inspite of', and 'even though'. It can be used to create sentences in which two clauses are at odds with each other. For example, the sentence

"Even though the restaurant was expensive, the food was excellent."

doesn't really make sense. You would expect the food to be good if the restaurant were expensive. However, the sentence

"Even though the restaurant was expensive, the food was awful."

feels more natural. In essence, clause B (food was awful) is not what was expected given the statement in clause A (restaurant was expensive).


English: Despite yesterday's rain, he cut the grass
Jenglish: [Yesterday's][rain][despite][he][grass][cut]
日本語: 昨日は雨なのに彼は草を刈りました。

English: Today is hot even although the weather girl said it would be cloudy.
Jenglish: [today][host][even although][weather girl][cloudy][said]
日本語: 今日は暑いのにお天気お姉さんは曇りと言っていました。

English: Even though she ate the whole cake, she was still hungry.
Jenglish: [whole][cake][ate][even though][she][still][hungry]
日本語: 丸ごとのケーキを食べたのに彼女はまだお腹がすいていました。

There are a couple of points to remember. This shouldn't be confused with the use of のに to mean 'in order to'. They look very similar in sentences so, you'll need to look at the context. Also, with な adjectives, keep the な.


I've made a correction to one of the example sentences. I originally wrote:

English: Even though she ate the whole cake, she was still hungry.
Jenglish: [whole][cake][ate][even though][she][still][hungry]
日本語: 丸ごとのケーキを食べたのに彼女はまだひもじかったです。

The correction is:

Another correction, though this time a small one. Originally, I wrote:


But, this should be:


I was being far too casual!

Please don't call out to a lady when you are in Japan;
「Hey, 姉ちゃん!」(ねえ-ちゃん)

...You'll put your life in peril.

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