Friday, September 22, 2006


JLPT3: そうです

日本語: [verb (base 2)] そうです
日本語: [adjective] そうです
English: Looks like...

Today we'll look at a grammar point that is very similar to one we've looked at previously. Similar in both it's English meaning and Japanese conjugation. Today we'll look at そうです. Don't confuse it with it's other usage.

When used after the correct verb conjugation そうです allows us to say that looks like something will (or will not) occur. After the correct adjective conjugations it allows us to say something looks like it has some attribute.

To modify verbs, simply move them into base 2. With い and な adjectives, drop the final い and な respectively.


English: It looks like it'll rain soon.
Jenglish: [soon][rain][fall + looks like]
日本語: すぐ雨が降りそうです。

English: That cake looks tasty
Jenglish: [kono][cake][tasty + looks]
日本語: そのケーキは美味しそうです。

English: Her face looks kind.
Jenglish: [her][face][kind + looks]
日本語: 彼女の顔が親切そうです。

Although not part of the requirements for JLPT3, it's worth knowing that そうです can also be used after negative-form verbs and adjectives. In this case, the ーない becomes ーなさ.


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