Sunday, August 27, 2006


JLPT3: もいい

日本語: [verb (base 6)] もいい
English: It is alright to...

Another quick one tonight and this time we'll look at a conjugation that allows us to say that some action is permissable. All you have to do is stick もいい on the end of a verb in base 6. Usually, you'll find です in there to make it nice and polite. Something else worth noting is that you can turn this into a question simply by adding か to the end.


English: It is alright to finish drinking your coffee before we depart.
Jenglish: [depart][before][coffee][drinking + finish + alright]
日本語: 出発する前にコーヒーを飲み終わってもいいです。

English: Is it alright to phone my sister?
Jenglish: [sister][phone + alright][?]
日本語: 姉を電話してもいいですか。


Is it alright to phone my sister?

A tiny tiny correction...

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