Tuesday, June 05, 2007


JLPT3: にする (II)

日本語:[い adjective] くする
日本語:[な adjective] にする
日本語:[noun] にする
English:Change into..., make...

Recently we covered one use of にする and found that it could be used to mean to decide upon or choose some object. Today we'll look at another meaning: to change something into or to make something . In essence it is similar to になる, but whereas になる indicates a natural change in state, にする indicates that the change is brought about by some external entity.

Usage is pretty straight-forward: with い adjectives, drop the い; with な adjectives, drop な. With nouns, simply add にする to the noun.

English:His mood was pretty bad so I told some jokes. In short, that made him happy.
Jenglish:[his][mood][pretty][bad][because][jokes][told]. [In short] [that] [happy + made]

English:The film plot was not very good, but because Koyuki starred, somehow it made it interesting :-)
Jenglish:[film plot][good + not very][but][koyuki][starred][somehow][interesting + made]


Example 1:

Here's a book title found here.

Jenglish:[square] [head] [round + make]

Well, on the face of it, all seems easy enough, however I suspect that this is some kind of idiomatic expression. My translation is Make square heads round, but I can only guess a to the meaning. Any ideas?

Example 2:

Here's another more translatable (can I say that??) from a technology blog.

Jenglish:[needle] [unnecessary + make] [new technology]

Nice and simple one here and even the subjunctive clause didn't cause much confusion. My translation is New technology that makes needles unnecessary.

Example 3:


日本語:Webアプリケーションのオフライン動作を可能にする「Google Gears」
Jenglish:[web application] [PM] [offline] [action] [OM] [possible + make]

OK, so slightly more tricky due to the lack of particles, subject, topic etc... but I'm guessing Offline web application actions made possible: Google Gears.


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