Thursday, January 18, 2007


JLPT4: ーてから

日本語:[verb (base 6)] から
English:After doing...

Quite how I've got to my fourth year of Japanese without knowing this I don't know, especially as it is a JLPT4 requirement. But, here we are.

Unless you've been living under a grammatical rock, から will be a familiar construct meaning 'because'. I covered this way back here. When used as such it implies and cause and effect relationship between two clauses.

However, when used after the ーて form of a verb, から does not convey such a strict relationship between what comes before から and what comes after. Instead ーてから simply implies an order of action; essentially 'after doing X, I did Y'. Compare the following:

English:After seeing a film starring koyuki, I sent an email to my friend.

English:Because I saw a film starring koyuki, I sent an email to my friend.

In the first example, we stating a sequence of actions, with no relationship implied. In the second example, the inference is that we sent the email because we saw the film.

The tense of the overall sentence is controlled by the verb tense of the second action. Compare:

English:After sending an email to koyuki, I cleaned the house.

English:After sending an email to koyuki, I will clean the house.

Note: Maybe the second example here could use a 予定です or つもりです on the end to mean 'plan to' or 'intend to'. Any ideas?

So, that's the easy part. Now to take some examples from the web...

Example 1:

I found this one as a blog title ( It all seems pretty straight-forward so let's deconstruct it into Jenglish.

Jenglish:[watch][after][read?][film][of][original work]

It's casual Japanese which isn't one of my strong suits, but I think this translates to Reading after watching the film? The film's original work

Example 2:

Here's another example from a website (

Jenglish:[2006][April][で?][twice][ordinal counter][cerebral hemorrhage][to collapse][after][12 years][passage/progress][to do]

A slightly more difficult one. The hardest bit for me was the で particle at the beginning; I couldn't work out why you'd use it after a date. The only thing I can think of is that is the ーて conjugation of です。 So my translation is It's April 2006 and after collapsing twice because of cerebral hemorrhage, 12 years have passed.

Example 3:

The final example comes from a corporate web site (

Jenglish:[mail box][to retrieve][when],[attachment][file][hard disk][on][to store][after][search + please]

Umm. Not sure about this, but I translate it as When retrieving the mailbox, after storing file attachments on the the hard disk, please search for them.



Reading after watching the film? The film's original work

Perfect!!! (^_^)b

It's April 2006 and after collapsing twice because of cerebral hemorrhage, 12 years have passed.

The で particle at the beginning indicates 'the point', 'the date' here...hmm,
In April 2006, 12 years had passed since the second cerebral hemorrahage.
...does it make sense?
How about this example;

The main units of the Self-Defense Forces will have been in the southern Iraqi town of Samawa for one year on February 27th.

Here, '2月27日で'

I copied it from this web site.
This online dictionary is useful.
Both English and Japanese are ok.

My driver's license expires next year.

Here, '来年で'

When retrieving the mailbox, after storing file attachments on the the hard disk, please search for them.

Excellent! (^.^)

Thanks for the update, especially as it's after midnight there!

I am surprised I actually translated any of them correctly, but happy too!

So, で is being used as 'on' or 'in' in this case.... I think I understand...

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