Saturday, October 14, 2006



No updates on the blog for a while... work is really busy right now and as it pays the bills, it kinda takes priority. Also, I am way behind on my email.

Anyway, I'm trying something new for the blog. Matt (he of 2-kanji-a-day fame) and I were talking about learning Japanese and both agree that one of the toughest aspects is translating Japanese into English. Yeah, it's easy to understand a given conjugation means so-and-so, but when you actually see it being used in Japanese it can be extremely difficult to translate.

So, starting today, I am not only creating example sentences of my own, but taking a couple from the Internet. All I'll do is Google the grammar point and see what comes up. I think you will really get a benefit from this if you try and translate the Japanese into English.

Updates to the blog will be slower now - today's entry has taken about 2 hours to write!


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