Friday, September 08, 2006


JLPT3: ようになる

日本語: [verb (base 3)] ようになる。
English: Come to..., reached the point where, learnt to...

Today we'll have a look at a useful construction that allows us to create sentences in which an action is in a state of change. Often used with ability verbs, it has the meaning of 'become able to do something', although in English it may sound more natural to say 'learnt to do something' or 'reached the point where...'.

This construction is used with verbs. For nouns and adjectives, we use a slightly different construction. We'll cover that tomorrow!


English: Recently, he has learnt how to play the piano.
Jenglish: [recently][he][piano][play + can + come to]
日本語: 最近、彼はピアノを弾けるようになりました

English: I've reached the point where I can read a newspaper without a dictionary.
Jenglish: [dictionary][using][without][newspaper][read + reached the point]
日本語: 辞書を使わずに新聞を読めるようになりました


I've modified this entry as a friend mailed me some corrections. I also removed one example:

English: I've come to realise that I'm bad at Japanese.
Jenglish: [I][Japanese][poor at][realise + come to]
日本語: 私は日本語が下手だの気がつくようになりました。

Apparently, in Japanese it would be more natural to say:


The verb 気づく means 'to become aware of' and so there in no point in using 'ようになる' with it as you'd be saying the same thing twice!
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