Wednesday, August 30, 2006


JLPT3: すぎる

日本語: [verb (base 2)] すぎる
日本語: [adjective] すぎる
English: Too...

This is a simple, yet useful conjugation to have to hand; how to say that there is too much of something or some action is performed too much? Use すぎる of course. With verb, you use the base 2 form. With adjectives you have to drop the final い or な.


English: The rainy season's level of humidity is too high.
Jenglish: [rainy season][level of humidity][high + too]
日本語: 梅雨の湿度は高すぎます

English: Because the food looked so tasty, I ate too much.
Jenglish: [food][tasty + looked][because][ate + too much]
日本語: 料理は美味しそうだったから、食べすぎました。


The English native speakers' conversation is too fast to understand.

I really think so... (-_-;
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