Saturday, May 13, 2006


Particle: で

OK. You can't avoid particles in Japanese, so let's have a look at their use. Today, we'll look at で.

  1. Indicates a place where an action occurs. (at, in)

English: I ate dinner at the restaurant.

Jenglish: [I][restaurant][at][dinner][ate]

日本語: 私はレストラン晩ご飯を食べました。

  1. Indicates a means by which an action is achieved (by, with)

English: I go to London by train.

Jenglish: [London][to][train][by][go]

日本語: ロンドンに電車行きます。

  1. Comes after items used in the making/construction of something (made of, with)

から has a similar function, but is used if the items used are not distinguishable in the finished item. For example:

English: This house is made with bricks.

Jenglish: [this house][bricks][with][made]

日本語: この家は煉瓦作りました。

English: The cake was made with fruit and nuts.

Jenglish: [cake][fruit and nuts][with][made]

日本語: ケーキは果物とナッツから作りました。

  1. Indicates the reason for something (because)

And so do から and ので. However, is used after nouns.

English: Because of the rain, I didn’t go out.

Jenglish: [rain][because][didn’t go out]

日本語: 出ません。

  1. Indicates the location of something being described by a superlative (in).

English: Tokyo is the most expensive city in the world.

Jenglish: [Tokyo][world][most][expensive city][is]

日本語: 東京は世界一番高い市です。

  1. Indicates an amount (money, time etc.) (in, for)

English: He bought the guidebook for 900 yen.

Jenglish: [he][guidebook][900 Yen][for][bought]

日本語: 彼は旅行案内書900買いました。

English: I can drive to work in an hour.

Jenglish: [I][work][hour][drive + can]

日本語: 私は会社に1時間運転できます。

You can't avoid particles, and I can't avoid articles!
Both tiny words are seemingly easy to handle, but no...quite difficult, right?

Paper is made from wood.

The chair is made of wood.
その椅子は木作られている。 can see I'm struggling with prepositions, too! (>_<)

Because of the rain, I didn’t go out.
-> 雨で外出しませんでした。sounds better.

Yes, articles and particles... evil little things. Often I feel like Captain Ahab from Moby Dick when studying particles - forever doomed to never reach my goal.

Your use of 'from' and 'of' is spot-on!
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