Saturday, September 09, 2006


JLPT3: もかまわない

日本語: [verb (base 6)] もかまわない。
English: It doesn't matter if...

Today's grammar point is one I've never heard of before and even a search on the Internet didn't reveal anything so I don't really know if it is used that much. However, it is part of the JLPT3 specification, you just never know when it'll come up in the exam.


English: It doesn't matter if you sit here.
Jenglish: [here][sit + doesn't matter]
日本語: ここで座ってもかまわない

English: It doesn't matter if rains tomorrow.
Jenglish: [tomorrow][rain][fall + doesn't matter]
日本語: 明日雨が降ってもかまわない

The following is not guaranteed to be correct. Actually none of my examples are guarnateed to be correct, but this one almost certainly isn't. I'm hoping someone will take pity on me and correct it :-)

English: It doesn't matter if you run to the station, you will still be late.
Jenglish: [you][station][run + doesn't matter][still][late]
日本語: あなたは駅に走ってもかまわない、まだ遅いですよ。


I completely agree with your feeling, I don't know why 'もかまわない' gets priority over others!

It doesn't matter if you run to the station, you will still be late.
あなたは駅に走ってもかまわない、まだ遅いですよ。 you mean;
'You'll be late even if you run to the station. It's too late to catch the train.'?
If so;

Difficult to explain...(-_-;
I completely agree with your feeling, I don't know why 'もかまわない' gets priority over others!

It doesn't matter if you run to the station, you will still be late.
あなたは駅に走ってもかまわない、まだ遅いですよ。 you mean;
'You'll be late even if you run to the station. It's too late to catch the train.'?
If so;

Difficult to explain...(-_-;
Ummm, you see this is the problem I have with learning ANY foreign language - I have the same with German.

It's not good enough to know the grammar and know the vocabulary, you have to know how things are phrased in the target language.

I feel like Sisyphus..... (hands up who know who he was?!?!)
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