Sunday, February 26, 2006


Just one little character... つ+”

OK, whilst many would argue that I need help on many levels, today I need help on one specific thing. This has bugged me for way over a year and I still don't have an answer.

How do you get the つ” character in Japanese. I've tried everything. zsu, tzu, zu...

I am finding it hard to avoid using words with this character in them!


つ --> tsu
...I think 'tsu' is better than 'tu'.

Does it make sense?
(Sorry but I'm not sure what you asked...)

Sorry for my poor description!

If I want the character つ I type 'tsu' on my keyboard. But, How do I get the character which has 'つ' and "' in it...

k + u = く
g + u = ぐ
h + o = ほ
b + o = ぼ
t + s + u = つ
? + ? + ? = つ + "

Does this make sense?
Sorry for my poor understanding and thanks for giving some easy samples! Finally I've got what you wanted to know!

「づ」 right?

d + u = づ


The only combination I didn't try!

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