Thursday, March 02, 2006



After the last post, I thought I'd look into something a bit easier. Today is the question word 'why'.

As far as I can tell, there are three (common) possibilities when translating 'why': なぜ、何で and どうして.

I have had the usual struggle in deciding which one to use and always ended up guessing. But it appears there is a general agreement on when to use each one.

The first general agreement is that it is a matter of politeness.

Simple eh?


Yes, なぜ sounds formal.
どうして、なんで can be used almost equally. Yes, these are colloquial, not rude. Of course if you speak in an offensive way, it'll be impolite.

Why are you crying?
なんで泣いてんの?-casual, a bit rude

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