Tuesday, August 15, 2006


JLPT3: といい

日本語: [verb (base 1/3)] といいですね。
日本語: [verb (base 1/3)] といいんですが。
English: I hope...

Today we'll have a look at such a handy phrase, I don't really know why I haven't covered it before. How do you express that you hope something good happens? The conjugation is pretty easy, but as you can see there are essentially two ways and each has a particular use.

If you want to say that you hope something good happens to someone else, use といいですね. If you are hoping that the good thing will happen to you, use といいんですが. In the latter case you are speaking in a more humble fashion and as such saying 'I hope something good happens, but...'.

Interestingly, I have seen this used by native speakers as といいんだけど when saying they want a positive outcome for themselves, and I guess this is simply a more colloquial form.

One final point: only use the above conjugation form if you have no control over the situation being discussed. So, you couldn't use it in sentences like 'I hope to clean the house today'. For sentences where you do have control, first convert the verb to it's potential form.


English: I hope the weather will be nice tomorrow for your BBQ.
Jenglish: [tomorrow][your][BBQ][for][weather][nice][hope]
日本語: 明日、あなたのバーベキューのために天気は良いといいですね

English: I hope I pass the exam.
Jenglish: [exam][pass][hope]
日本語: 試験を合格するといいんですが

English: I hope to clean the house today.
Jenglish: [today][house][(can) clean][hope]
日本語: 今日、家を掃除できるといいんですが

English: I hope his flight isn't delayed.
Jenglish: [his][flight][delayed][hope]
日本語: 彼のフライトを遅れないといいんですが


Ah, almost! 99%correct!
Only one particle has to be rewritten.

I hope his flight isn't delayed.


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