Sunday, September 10, 2006


JLPT3: ようです

日本語: [verb (short)]ようです
日本語: [い adjective]ようです
日本語: [な adjective]なようです
日本語: [noun]のようです
English: It seems...

Since we've just looked at the use of そうです, it seems sensible to look at a closely related conjugation. ようです allows us to construct sentences that convey some presumed infomation. However, where そうです communicated information gained from some third party, ようです allows us to communicate a presumption based on our own observations and evidence.

ようです can be used with verbs in bases 1,3 and 7, nouns and adjectives. Note that with な adjectives, you do not drop the な. Nouns should be followed by の.


English: It looks like it will start raining soon.
Jenglish: [soon][rain][fall + start + looks like]
日本語: もう雨が降り始めるようです。

English: From the trailer, the film doesn't look very good.
Jenglish: [trailer][from][film][not very][good + look]
日本語: 予告編から映画はあまり良くないようです。

English: After tasting his cooking, he seems to be a good cook.
Jenglish: [his][cooking][tasting][after][he][good][cook + seems]
日本語: 彼の料理のあじを見た後に彼はいい料理が上手なようです。

There are two closely related conjugations:そうです and らしい. Each of the three allow us to construct 'I hear that' sentences, but they differ in politeness and the veracity of the information being communicated. To convey presumed information gained from an external source, use either そうです or らしい. らしい is a more casual way of communicating this and as such frequently used without です. To convey presumed information derived from your own senses or reasoning, use ようです.


After tasting his cooking, he seems to be a good cook.


is better. (^_^)
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