Sunday, March 18, 2007


JLPT3: ーてよかった

日本語:[verb (base 6)] よかった。
English:It is good that..., I'm glad that...

A nice a simple grammar point today and one I think is part of the JLPT3 specification. I say that because my usual JLPT specification book doesn't list it, but I found a web site that suggests it is 3級. Nonetheless, I can see myself using this one a lot since I'm so 前向き!

Simply, by adding よかった to the ーて form of a verb, either positive or negative, we can say that it is good that, or you are happy that something has either occurred or is occurring.

English:It was good to go to the theatre again.
Jenglish:[theatre][again][go + good]

English:I'm glad I left the party early last night.
Jenglish:[last night][party][early][left + glad]

Here are some real-world examples!

Example 1:

This is taken from here.

Jenglish:[to change occupation + good] [??] [email magazine] ['how to change occupation mail'] [in] [distribution]

Well, most of the words are easy enough, although the standalone use of は is a puzzle. My best guess is that it is an interjection of some kind - maybe like us saying 'well then...' in English. I've also made the assumption that 配信中 is the 'currently doing' form of 配信 - in this case meaning 'currently in distribution'. So, my translation is: It's good to change your career! Well, the electronic magazine 'How to change your career' is currently in distribution.

Example 2:

Here's one from a Wikipedia entry about some TV drama.

Jenglish:[to love + too much + negative + good]

Well, I have to say I don't think this one is too difficult; it's simply a verb with a dozen conjugations stuck on it! My guess is It's good to not love too much.

Example 3:

A final example taken from here.

Jenglish:"[site] [or] [blog] [[etc] [closing + good] [think?]" [and]
[safari] [question]

OK, I had to cheat here a little. To be honest, it was straight-forward but the one bit that completely threw me was the とサファリ問題 bit. Because the first part was in 「」 followed by と I automatically assumed that I was looking at a quote. In the end I gave up on that and asked a friend. It appears that there were actually two separate statements here and the と was acting as and. So, with a little help I translate this as "Do you think it's good for the site (or blog etc) to close?" and safari questions.


Looooooong time no talk, Dave-san!


It's good to change your career! Well, the electronic magazine 'How to change your career' is currently in distribution.

Yes, I think your guess is good and correct!


It's good to not love too much.

Yes, that's quite simple in grammar, but a profound matter!


"Do you think it's good for the site (or blog etc) to close?" and safari questions.

I didn't understand the meaning (or why to add this words) "とサファリ問題" even though I went to read the URL. I don't think you need to care about this kind of strange sentences...

I'm glad to be here again!(^o^)/


Yeah, a lot of these translations involved a fair bit of 'guesswork'. I think I worry too much about trying to gate a perfect translation, when it is not necessary...
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