Thursday, December 06, 2007
JLPT3: と思う
日本語: | [verb (short)] と思う |
日本語: | [ adjective] と思う |
日本語: | [ adjective] だと思う |
日本語: | [noun] だと思う |
日本語: | [verb (base 3,7)] とは思わない。 |
English: | I think... |
Back to basics for today's post, but as it does feature in the JLPT on a regular basis, it's worth a quick look. As we learn in first year Japanese, と思う is the functional equivalent of 'to think', although, there are restrictions on when you can use it:
- You can only use it to indicate your own thoughts on some topic. You can't use it to indicate your intentions. So, "I think it's tasty" will use と思う, but "I think I will go to the cinema." will not. For the latter you need to use と思う after the volitional form.
- When referring to someone else's thoughts, you can only use と思う in the question form. To indicate that someone else (appears to be) thinking something, you should use たがっている.
- Not so much a restriction, but it is usual to conjugate the quoted thought and not と思う. However, I have seen the English concept of 'I don't think' written as とは思いません. Note that it's とは and not と.
Let's try some examples:
English: | I think that the book I borrowed from the library was interesting. |
Jenglish: | [library][from][borrowed][book][was interesting][think] |
日本語: | 図書館から借りた本は面白かったと思う。 |
English: | I think that the vase was broken by the burglar. |
Jenglish: | [burglar][vase][broke+passive][I think] |
日本語: | 泥棒に花瓶を壊されたと思う。 |
The second example sentence uses the passive form; another grammatical point that is essential for the JLPT - and very common in everyday Japanese speech. It will be covered soon.
日本語: | 彼氏が浮気したのではと思う態度ランキング |
Jenglish: | [boyfriend] [GA] [unfaithful] [NODE] [WA] [think] [behaviour] [ranking] |
The first thing that I noticed is that と思う is directly followed by a noun which is our old friend the subordinate clause. In other words, the final part of the sentence is being described by the first part. The final part is, in fact, two nouns without the possessive particle の, but I guess this has been omitted due to the casual nature of the site. So, this final part comes out as ranking of behaviour.
The first part starts with 彼氏が浮気した, which given the use of the particle が make s me think this is in intransitive form. So, with that we have boyfriend was unfaithful. Where I am confused is the use of のでは. Is that ので + は or の + では? I think ので + は makes more sense, which makes the first part of the sentence because [your] boyfriend was unfaithful.So, ignoring the use of は and adding と思う, my translation is:
A ranking of behaviour that makes you think your boyfriend was unfaithful.
日本語: | デザインってスゴイんだってことをもっと本気で言わなきゃダメだと思う |
Jenglish: | [design] [TTE] [wonderful] [or something][KOTO] [WO] [more] [seriousness] [DE] [say + if one does not] [no good] [I think] |
A real tough one this time. Lots of particles and a sentence structure not suited for the western brain. But let's make a start.
Scanning left-to-right, let's identify the bits I don't know. First, we have って, which is a casual way of quoting. Next there's だって which is a colloquial form of ても. The final bit I didn't know was 言わなきゃ, which is a conjugation which adds a meaning similar to 'if one does not...'.
Let's examine the first part of the sentence: デザインってスゴイんだってことを. First it ends in を which likely means that this is an object that some verb will act upon. There's also a こと in there which could be a nominalizer. I think the use of って here is to bring emphasis to the fact that we're talking about the concept of design. So, at this stage, we have Design is wonderful or something [like that].
Scanning ahead in the sentence to find a verb, we get 言わなきゃダメだ. Literally translated, we get 'if one does not say' and 'is no good'. Combining this and the previous translated sections, we get no good that if one does not say design is wonderful or something [like that]
The next bit is もっと本気で. Literally 'more seriousness', the final で is a little confusing. Looking at my blog entry on で, I'm tempted to go with meaning two and translates its use here as 'with'. So, adding this in to our translation gives no good that if one does not say design is wonderful or something [like that] with more seriousness.
It's an awful mess and my only hope is that much of my confusion has arisen as a result of this being pretty casual Japanese. But, with a little bit of smoothing into natural English, I'm guessing the translation is: I think it's useless to say things like 'design is wonderful' if one does not say with more seriousness.
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よく「彼氏いるでしょ~?」って言われるけど、イナイよσ(‾^‾)トモダチ集めてホームパーティーなんかしたりするのがマイブームでして♪♪好きな人ができてもハズかしくて告れない…(>_< )しゅりのココロをゲットしてぇ~☆コドモっぽい性格だから年上でお兄ちゃんみたいな人がタイプだよ(*^m^*)
変わってるって言われるけどわりといい人だよ(笑)!!お笑い好きな人だったら話盛り上がりそうだねO(≧▽≦)O 色んなことに興味深々でおっちょこちょいだからそばで支えてくれる人募集中σ(゜-^*)自分の年齢的に年下の男の子はアウトだからごめんね(*_ _)人
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第142回 天皇賞 秋 2010 今年の波乱を大予想!出走馬の厳選された情報だけを公開…気になるアノ馬の仕上がり具合とは?さらにオッズやデータを分析し、必勝買い目を導き出す!結果につなげるのはあなた次第!
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