Sunday, December 30, 2007


JLPT Exam Question #5

A bit late with today's example question, but Christmas kind of got in the way...

This question is from the 2002 日本語能力試験 paper, specifically 文字語彙問題V question 5. Presented with a word, you must choose the correct usage of it.


  1. この まちは よるも あんぜんです。
  2. にちようびは いつも いえで あんぜんに して います。
  3. この きかいは あんぜんてきに つかって ください。
  4. わたしは げんきですから、あんぜんして ください。

The correct answer is option 1.

The ease with which you can answer this question depends on being able to know what the chosen word is. It may seem an obvious point to make, but unlike other types of question where you could take educated guesses, here you need actually need to know the word.

Hopefully, you'll recognise あんぜん (安全) as a 三級 required vocabulary word meaning 'safe'. If so, it's simply a case of translating each of the four options and seeing which makes the most sense. In Jenglish:

[Sunday][always][house][at][safe][change into + present progressive]
[this][chance][safe + suffix meaning typical][use + please]
[I][healthy][but][safe + to do + please]

Once translated, option 1 makes the most sense. Options 2 and 3, whilst grammatically permissible, don't really make sense. Option 4, as far as I know, is grammatically incorrect in that you can't follow an adjective with the する verb.

Dave, you seem to get あんぜん perfectly. Then, あんしん is 3級level word? I think you've already understood あんしん.
Let's try!



More sneaky questions :-)

I would say その知らせを聞いて、あんしんしました is the correct answer here. In the other sentences it doesn't seem to make sense.

By the way, your examples are very JLPT!!
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